Edible Bozeman

I keep these trail bars refrigerated when I’m at home, but they do hold up well in a day pack when you’re on the go. Mix and bake them at least a day in advance, as they cut more cleanly after resting overnight in the refrigerator. Bars keep for a week or so refrigerated airtight, and they also freeze well.


1 cup raw sesame seeds
¾ cup raw sunflower seeds
¾ cup raw pumpkin seeds
¼ cup ground flax meal
8 Medjool dates, pitted
2 cups dried cherries, cranberries, and/or currants
1 cup local honey
1¾ cups sunflower butter or peanut butter, unsweetened
¼ teaspoon Maldon salt

Preheat oven to 200°F. Line an 8- by 8-inch baking pan with a piece of parchment paper, leaving a ½-inch overhang on opposite sides so you can lift out the baked and cooled slab for cutting. Rub a bit of coconut oil on the two pan edges not covered with parchment. Set aside.

Toast the sesame, sunflower, and pumpkin seeds in a large frying pan over medium heat, then transfer to a large bowl. Sprinkle the ground flax over the dates on a cutting board, then chop the dates into raisin-sized pieces and add to the seeds. Add the dried fruit, honey, and sunflower or peanut butter; mix to combine. Press into prepared pan, smooth the top with a spatula, then sprinkle with the salt. Bake for 45 minutes until lightly browned and dry to the touch—do not overbake.

Transfer pan to a cooling rack then place in refrigerator to chill before cutting into bars with a sharp knife. Wrap each individually in parchment or plastic wrap.

Adapted from Carrie Brown’s “Energy Bars” from the beloved biking pit stop Jimtown Store in Northern California’s Alexander Valley.

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