Taste a Sungold tomato and you will understand why many people invest time and energy into growing tomatoes. You’ll find some at our farmers markets, but the best way to ensure you experience this summer delight is to grow your own, either in a garden or container. If it’s not too far into July, you may be able to find a mature plant from Amaltheia, Covenant Gardens, or Woods Rose Market. If you missed out this year, support the summer farmers markets and keep your eyes out for tomato starts next May.
Sungolds are one of the sweetest tomatoes you will find and are at their peak when bright orange. Eat as many as you can and remember to never put them in the refrigerator.

The babies of the onion world, chives grow easily in the garden and provide hope and reassurance: You can grow food! Snip a bunch near their base and the mound will continually send up new shoots all season long and even surprise you during mild periods of fall, winter, and spring. When the purple fl owers come in the heat of summer, you can eat those too—just leave some for the bees.
Whether from the garden, a window box, or a little rubber-banded bunch from one of our local farms, use some chives to make ranch dressing. You’ll find a recipe in our Summer 2020 issue available at, or you can just mix equal parts buttermilk, mayonnaise, sour cream, and finely chopped chives. A hefty squeeze of fresh lemon and some salt and pepper make it even better.
The Hettick family has been growing melons adjacent to the Lower Flathead River in Dixon, Montana, for over 30 years and selling them each summer across Western Montana, at farmers markets and in groceries. Cantaloupes are usually the first to appear, followed by orange-fleshed honeydew (Honey Orange) and watermelons—a total of more than eight melon varieties in all. Melons are delicious at room temperature or chilled. They can go sweet with ricotta and mint or savory with prosciutto and cracked black pepper. A plain wedge is also a fine way to enjoy some melon.