Edible Bozeman

Three Meditations to Grow On

Meditation and Mindfulness

Meditation and mindfulness seem to be buzzwords these days—and for good reason. While these ancient wellness practices have long deepened our understanding of the mystical, mainstream culture is beginning to tap into the power of mindfulness in our rapidly accelerating technological lives. The practice of mindfulness brings our attention to the present, allowing us to slow down and bring awareness and intention to the activity at hand, reducing stress, anxiety, and depression.

The garden is an excellent place to practice this awareness, and as the Japanese proverb describes, “The footsteps of the farmer are the best fertilizer.” Master Gardener Carolyn Baker, a certified meditation and mindfulness practitioner, shares with us three meditations we can practice in our garden to bring awareness and intention to gardening tasks and get more from our time with the soil.

Note: These exercises can be done in any setting, and particularly any garden setting. Whether you have an expansive garden or simply a potted plant by your window, the life-giving force—or chi—of plants offers a powerful source of energy and positivity. You can also get in touch with the benefits of aromatherapy and the healing antioxidants that herbs provide. Great plants to meditate with include basil, mint, lavender, and rosemary.

  • May 3 is Garden Meditation Day. Enjoy this day of collective meditation, and bring all that good living energy into your life. May you grow to your full potential.


A Meditation for Gratitude

Upon entering your garden space, begin by removing distractions such as the phone. Tune in to your space and listen. Set an intention for your personal needs at the time, such as:

  • I will feel the sun on my body.
  • I will hear the birds and the bees.
  • I will get lost and let go while weeding.
  • I will mind my steps and movements.
  • I will taste and be grateful.

Notice your surroundings: What are your plants showing you? What are they saying to you? Notice the soil: Is it time for water? Who needs sun or shade? Who needs to be harvested or cut back? Wish the plants well.

Enjoy this time. Feel, smell, taste; notice how your body, mind, and spirit feel. Breathe the air. Be grateful.


Meditation for Grounding

This meditation embraces the energy of the flora and fauna around us to regain balance. Begin by breathing intentionally. Breathe in for a count of four, hold for seven, and exhale for eight. Do this several times.

Try practicing this meditation in several different ways:

  • Breathe in and out with the rhythm of picking or planting.
  • Breathe in and out while walking to and from the shed or compost pile.
  • Breathe in and out while shoveling


A Meditation for Planting

Begin by being present and aware. Breathe in and out using the counting method above. Notice sounds, smells, and textures. Be grateful.

Take a seed or plant in your hands and quietly state your intention and hope for it before gifting it to the soil. Call on Mother Nature to guide and provide protection against bad weather, pests, disease, poor conditions, neglect, animals, etc.

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