Edible Bozeman

Service in the time of Covid-19

The year 2020 was anything but normal. Whether we remember it for the life-altering pandemic, the unprecedented election, or widespread social unrest, it will stand out in the minds of Americans for decades to come. For some frontline American workers, 2020 will stand out for the way they were treated while doing their jobs.

Here in Bozeman it’s easy to forget just how serious this pandemic is. Montana saw restrictions lessen and indoor dining return to a semblance of normalcy far before many of the more affected states. Because of this, our service industry workers have been on the front lines for the majority of the pandemic.

Mask mandates, changes to indoor seating, and cash policies all affect not only patrons, but service-industry employees too. Workers are expected to enforce strict COVID-19 regulations. They take extra time to clean and sanitize their spaces to ensure customers stay as safe as possible. It’s important to acknowledge that new policies are created with the health and well-being of the community in mind. Change is hard and adjusting to a new way of life has been difficult for everyone. Remember that the service workers you interact with on a daily basis are also feeling the effects of these changes.

As we turn the page on this unforgettable year, we would be remiss not to acknowledge and appreciate the frontline workers in our lives. This winter, take a moment to thank those who are making our new normal possible.

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