Edible Bozeman

Above: Andrew Robin, son of original owners Jackie and Mark Robin, remains a positive, forward-thinking influence at The Moose.

Drive south on Highway 191 from Four Corners and you will enter a dreamscape of snow-covered peaks, high alpine meadows, and lakes so blue they look tropical. People travel thousands of miles (and spend thousands of dollars) to experience the awe-inspiring landscapes of our home. Those of us who choose to live here understand why.

In Big Sky, life is filled with wonder. We ski with mountain goats, fish the same rivers as Lewis and Clark, and share the wilderness with bison and grizzlies. This way of life, this community, this land—they deserve to be protected.

Yet, like many towns in Montana, we lack services and systems to mitigate environmental impact. Big Sky’s isolated location, small year-round population, and tourist-driven economy have always made it an unprofitable area for modern recycling, composting, and distribution models. But such outdated standards cannot define our future. Political and scientific institutes have acknowledged that our country is financially and technologically capable of creating new, sustainable systems. What we need now is strong leadership to drive those changes. In Big Sky, the Hungry Moose is emerging as one such leader.

The Hungry Moose Market and Deli was founded twenty-six years ago as a roadside stand offering the only fresh, local produce in town. Since then, the family-owned business has grown into an irreplaceable community landmark, continuing its mission to support and promote local farmers and producers. The Hungry Moose was my introduction to Big Sky—my first job and my first family in a new place. I couldn’t be more grateful to have landed here and am proud to be part of the Moose’s dedication to a sustainable future. Our key sustainability initiatives include recycling, composting, waste reduction, and local sourcing. Each category has a profound impact on our community, from keeping plastics out of our waterways to cycling money back into the Bozeman and Big Sky economies.

Customers play an important role too. Here are a few ways you can help next time you visit the Hungry Moose:

  1. Bring a reusable bag or two. Even though the bags in our store are compostable, it’s always better to reduce and reuse when possible.
  2. Bring your own reusable water bottle. Our mountain tap water is super tasty and a great reason to ditch single- use plastic bottles.
  3. Look for local products in produce, dairy, beverage, and dry goods. Montana has a lot to offer, like award-winning chèvre and kombucha in a can.
  4. Use the recycle and compost bins in our deli seating area. Signs throughout our store show what goes into each bin.

These actions might seem small, but they lead to big change. Can’t wait for you to join us on this journey!

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