Pomegranate, Fennel, and Farro
How do you get inside a pomegranate?
This cylindrical striped beauty with its manageable size, tender edible skin, and butternut-meets-sweet-potato taste is the friendliest winter squash.
Nothing says summer like fresh-picked, warmed-by-the-sun raspberries.
In fields and gardens, chard is one of the earliest greens to pop from the winter ground.
Crisp and honey sweet, Fuyu persimmons add a bright lift to snack boards and winter salads.
Surprising beauty can be found in roots, lying just below the earth’s skin.
Chokecherries are so much more than scraggly bushes.
Seeing Meyers in our groceries this time of year gives me hope that the sun will eventually melt the snow and warm our soil for growing.
Sweeter and milder than onions, shallots are great to use in stews of all kinds, from vegetarian to beef bourguignon.
A prize for growing your own cilantro are the mini bouquets that form in the fall.
Taste a Sungold tomato and you will understand why many people invest time and energy into growing tomatoes.
Flower growers in Bozeman strive to provide a diverse array of sustainable flowers best suited for our climate.