A Garden Salad
There is something so clean and beautiful about picking a few greens from the garden and enjoying them just a few minutes later
There is something so clean and beautiful about picking a few greens from the garden and enjoying them just a few minutes later
Leftover sticky rice and julienned veggies get wrapped up quickly in rice pancakes for an easy but impressive looking appetizer.
Six simple ingredients, a stand mixer with a whisk attachment, and access to a freezer is all that’s needed to create a decadent silky-smooth sweet cream ice cream.
Because every tea party deserves its own due.
Havrekiks are traditional Scandinavian oat flour shortbread cookies.
This salad is for those days when there’s too much going on.
While most of these vegetables are cooked and the dressing is warm, the kale is raw—to me that qualifies it as a salad.
I get asked to share this recipe more than almost any other.
The moment I realized everything I really needed to make gnocchi (aka “little pillows”) was already in my kitchen.
These little pillows are really delicate, so overwhelming them with a heavy sauce feels counterintuitive.