Edible Bozeman

Nature Has the Key: Flower Essence Practitioner Becki Cook

The importance of present-time work, right where you are

Becki Cook works closely with clients to create custom flower essence blends. Flower essences, or liquid remedies made from the flowers of living plants, help her clients connect with their lives and themselves.

Within minutes of sitting down with Becki, I was struck by how kind, attentive, and intuitive she is. Our interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Tell me about your business, Architect by Nature.

People work with me for mental, emotional, and spiritual support; they’re curious about getting to know themselves better. I listen carefully, ask questions, and then choose the flower essences that best match their needs. It’s present-time work, right where you’re at.

How did you get into this work?

I grew up in the Pacific Northwest. I spent most of my time with the cedar trees and the trillium. I went to college here, then worked for big herbal companies. My original training was as an herbalist, working primarily on the physical body. But I love going beyond the physical, working with who people really are.

It seems you act as a conduit for connection and insight.

Conduit, yes, and translator. It’s listening to people and having reverence for the natural world—and connecting the two. This practice isn’t magic; instead, it helps us remember that we can navigate this lifetime. We can find a state of harmony.

How do people use flower essences?

The most common and potent way to take flower essences is to ingest them. As energetic imprints of the plants, they’re completely safe. Sprays are another way to receive the benefits from the natural world; I also create spray blends for people.

What are your favorite local flowers to work with?

Arnica, which provides an instant sense of grounding and stability in the body; wild rose, which helps us live wholeheartedly and encourages a sense of courage and trust in life; and Indian paintbrush, which guides us to our highest creative potential and artistic expression. These three are my favorites because I believe the highest version of ourselves is to be present, loving, and creative on our life’s path.

Are there any local, edible flowers you particularly like? Why?

My favorite local edible flower is dandelion; you can eat the entire plant! Roots, stem, leaves, and flower. As an essence it signifies gentle strength and endurance. Medicinally, it gently detoxifies the physical body. Dandelion evokes the playfulness of children for me and reminds me to have fun.

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